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See all your team’s links in one place

Use this section to streamline the whole sharing and outreach process for your team.

Sofie Jarvis avatar
Written by Sofie Jarvis
Updated over a week ago

View links from your home screen

You can view all the advanced and basic links your team has sent out straight from the Dashboard. The Links overview page shows all of the links created for presentations in that workspace.

The links overview page shows all links created as well as all of the advanced links your team has used. (Pro: limited to 25, Business: Unlimited). You’ll also be able to sort the columns ascending or descending by:

  • Presentation name

  • Link name

  • The name of the person who created the link

  • The date the link was created

You can choose to show, your Team presentations, Private presentations, analytics links, or basic links:

Accessing the Options for an individual link will open the settings to copy an embed code, enable or disable a link, and edit the link settings.
Learn more about creating links and their settings.

If you are the workspace owner you can disable links made from Other's private presentations. However, you cannot see the content of the presentations or who created the link.

View links from the Share menu

  1. Click on the Share menu

  2. Click on Share externally

  3. Click on Go to links overview page on the bottom left-hand corner.

💡 If you cancel your Pitch subscription, all analytics links will be greyed out and disabled

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