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Install the app for Slack

Receive notifications about your presentations and workspaces directly in Slack.

Verena Kuhn avatar
Written by Verena Kuhn
Updated over 2 months ago

Use the Pitch app for Slack to stay on top of time-sensitive updates, even when Pitch isn’t open. You can install the app here. With the Pitch app for Slack, you can receive notifications about your presentations and workspaces directly in Slack. You can:

  • View and accept workspace and presentation invites

  • Review and respond to comment mentions and replies

  • See previews of assigned slides

  • Unfurl your shared presentation links

Add Pitch to your Slack workspace

Slack workspace members can install apps to their Slack workspace. If your workspace owners and admins have limited this ability, you will need to request them to approve your app request.

To add the Pitch app to your Slack workspace:

  • Navigate to Apps in your Slack workspace.

  • Search for Pitch in the app directory.

  • Follow the on-screen steps to authorize or request access.

Once you’ve added the app to your Slack workspace, any member of the workspace can connect their Pitch account to Slack – this will need to be done individually.

Connect Pitch with Slack

To connect a Pitch account click here or follow these steps:

  1. Open up your Pitch workspace.

  2. Click the notification bell next to your workspace name.

  3. Click the settings icon.

  4. Click Add Pitch to Slack.

You’ll be redirected to a new tab requesting permission to connect Pitch and your Slack workspace. Click Allow to finish connecting the app.

If the Pitch app has already been added to your Slack workspace, you can connect your account directly from Slack.

  1. In Slack, click + next to Apps.

  2. Search for Pitch in the app directory, and follow the instructions.

  3. In the app channel, click Connect your account. Pitch will open your notification settings in your browser.

  4. Click Add Pitch to Slack to connect your account.

Overview of the notifications

The Pitch app for Slack enables you to receive select notifications right from Slack. You’ll be able to see:

  • Workspace invites: See when someone invites you to a new workspace

  • Presentation invites: See when someone invites you to a new presentation — along with a preview of the first slide.

  • Comment mentions and replies: See who’s mentioned you in a comment or replied to one of yours, along with the text and a preview of the slide.

  • Slide assignments: See when someone assigns you a slide, along with a preview of the slide.

You can accept workspace and presentation invites directly from Slack.

Replying to comments

When someone mentions you in a comment or replies to one of your comments, you can respond directly in the Pitch app for Slack. Just select Reply in the notification. If you prefer, you can also open Pitch to do this.

Manage your notifications

If you want to take a break from notifications, there are two ways to turn Slack notifications off:

  • Navigate to Notifications in your Pitch workspace and switch off notifications for the Pitch app for Slack.

  • Navigate to the Pitch app channel in your Slack workspace and type “off”.

When you’re ready to receive notifications again, you can switch on notifications from your Pitch workspace or by typing “on” in the Pitch app channel in Slack.

You can also get these instructions in Slack by typing “help” in the Pitch app channel.

Preview links to presentations

Once you connect your Pitch account to Slack, links to presentations you have access to will unfurl when you share them in Slack. Everyone you share a link with will be able to see a preview image and the name of the presentation.

Disconnect the app

If you no longer want to have Slack connected to your Pitch account, you can click on Disconnect account in the Notification settings.

Read more about how third-party data is handled in our Privacy Policy.

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