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Add variables to your presentation

Personalize a deck using smart placeholders

Stephanie Leong avatar
Written by Stephanie Leong
Updated over a week ago

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Speed up the process of creating personalized presentations with variables. By adding these placeholders to templates and presentations, you and your team can quickly change content across an entire deck without having to go slide-by-slide.

Create variables in your presentation

  1. Click on the Presentation Overview icon.

  2. Click on + New variable.

  3. Add the name of the variable. Later, when you add variables to slides, this is how you select the right one. For example, you may want to create a variant for your client's name, the date, or your company name

  4. Add the content of the variable. This is what displays on the slide, which you can later change in order to update every occurrence in your deck.

Insert variables in a text block

You can also insert existing variables from inside a text block. Double click on the text block and type #. A dropdown menu will appear, where you can choose which variable you want to include.

You can also add a new variable after you’ve typed #, by writing the name of the new variable and pressing enter, or clicking + New variable:

If you have the Design panel open when you’re editing your text block, you can also click the “ + Insert variable” option:

Making the most of variables

There are a few reasons to use content variables in your presentations:

1. Design flexible headers and footers

Adding text blocks with variables at the top and bottom of your slides lets you create custom headers and footers. You can design these blocks in any style and format, so they remain on-brand and consistent, even when you change the content.

2. Keep client details accurate

Insert variables for your clients’ names and emails, and anything relevant to the customer call, like your account or sales rep’s name. That way, your team can quickly adapt key information from the Presentation Overview, so everything’s accurate on the call.

3. Update general information

You might have some presentations that you use on a recurring basis — like a team all-hands deck, a pricing proposal, or a board meeting presentation — which includes general information, like the date or year, a contact email / name, and so on. Setting these with variables lets you regularly change key information across multiple slides easily.

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