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Create your own slide style

Ensure your presentation is on-brand by using design guidelines for your slides.

Verena Kuhn avatar
Written by Verena Kuhn
Updated over 10 months ago

Instead of master slides, Pitch uses flexible templates, which can be maintained over time to reflect your brand's style and content. The first step in setting up a great template is creating a slide style. Slide styles ensure consistency in colors and fonts, as they set the default options for any blocks you add to your slides, like text, shapes, and charts.

Create your style

You can create a slide style while editing a presentation. Start by opening the Design panel in the bubble bar on the right and look for Slide style (deselect the blocks on your slide if you don't see it). Then, open the drop-down menu and click New style.

Alternatively, you can create a new slide style from the slide editor below your slide. Click on Slide style and select New style.

Either of these options will open up your Style builder.

You can keep it simple and adjust only your brand colors and font family, or customize each text style, table, chart, and shape individually. You can also edit your styles from relevant inline menus or from the editor toolbar. For example, clicking on Text in the top toolbar and then Edit will open the style builder as well.

Define default colors and fonts for your style

In the Style colors section, you will see all colors used throughout your slide style. Hover over any color to see where it's used in your style. Click on a color and you can replace it from the color picker. Any elements that previously used that color will instantly be updated.

You can also quickly update your style colors by clicking on the add color button and sampling from your brand book, style guide, or any image using our color dropper. Alternatively, you can paste the following color formats:

  • HEX codes

  • RGBA values

  • HSLA colors

You can also create a gradient for text styles. Click on the color swatch and then select Gradient. By default, the start color is set to the current text color and the stop color is the next color in rainbow order. You can adjust the start and stop colors, and the direction of the gradient.

Similarly, the Style fonts section shows the fonts used throughout your style. If multiple font families are in use, you can hover over them to see which text styles they're associated with. To get started, you can select your main font family here first, and make more granular changes to each text style below. You can also use your own fonts in Pitch.

Next, choose a background color for your slides, and select the colors for hyperlinks and bullet points. When choosing a gradient for a slide background, you can select the start and stop color, and the direction or radius of the gradient.

Change the look of text styles and blocks individually

To make changes to a specific text style or type of block, scroll to the relevant section on the right in the style builder and click the arrow to expand the editing options. You can also click the style you want to edit in the preview in the center and it will take you to the editing options automatically.

Any changes you make in an individual styling section will only apply to the selected text style, table, chart, or shape. The colors and fonts you decide to use in these sections will also appear in your style summary at the top. For example, if you use a different color for Small text, that color will be added to the Style colors section at the top. You can also predefine the palette of your charts in your style builder.

Once your style is ready to use, enter a name and click Save.

Update your style from the editor

You can update your slide styles straight from the editor at any time, from either the inline menu or the Design panel. When you change the formatting of a text block, for instance, you’ll see a brush icon with a blue dot indicating that this slide style has been modified. After clicking on that icon, you can either Update or Reset the style. If you update the style, it will automatically update all text blocks with that style in your presentation with the new formatting.

Apply a slide style to your slides

You can apply your slide style to individual slides by selecting it from the Design panel or the slide editor. To change the style for multiple slides at once, select them in the slide navigator, right-click, and select Apply style.

In order to apply your slide style to all of the slides in your presentation, simply click Apply to all slides under the desired slide style.

If you’re exploring a style in the options menu, you can also see how many slides use that style in your presentation. If you’re exploring a style that is used on your currently selected slide, you’ll see an option to Select. Pressing this button will select all slides that use a given style. By clicking on a different style, you will re-style all selected slides.

Delete a slide style

In order to delete a slide style, open the options in the Design panel and select Delete. If you delete a template's default style, your own style will be applied to the entire presentation and new slides will automatically use it. This only deletes the style from your presentation, not the template itself.

After you’ve created an entire presentation based on your slide style, save it as a template to give the rest of your team easy access to your styled template.

Find out how to apply your style to a different presentation and make it available to your entire workspace.

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